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Started Eiyuden Chronicle!!

Started Eiyuden Chronicle!! published on

It finally came out!! After four years of waiting!! :’D

As backer I got it some days before the early access which was great cause I had one hell of a week and this game helped me endure. Not gonna lie, the intro and the title music made me tear up big time. ;u; Especially considering this was Yoshitaka Murayama’s final work, rest in peace my hero…

It is no secret for anyone that Suikoden 2 is my favorite game ever and no one and nothing has ever topped that off for me over the years. Chrono Trigger is close by however! So no naturally hearing that so many years later the original team will be doing Eiyuden just made me slam my backer money instantly! But yes… four long years later it’s finally here! Show how is it?

It is a bit early to write review given how I’m still early or mid way through? I did play about 30 hours but I’m also slow and I enjoy poking every corner if I can. I’ve played enough suikodens to know if I don’t then I will miss someone on the way :D;;;; However, half way through and … the game is really really … timid? It feels very light. The high stakes don’t feel high at all and the bad guys just kind of exist there being intimidating but other than that nothing happened on scene. You hear they sacrificed some village but you don’t really see that. The village girl who got her parents killed seem fine, nothing like Pilika who cried her eyes off then became mute from the shock after in Suikoden 2 … u_u; Everything just feels like it’s meant to be a rated E or something. No one swears or when they do, it’s very cartoony. Which brings me to the other issue I’m having…

It is… a bit too cartoony. One thing I loved about Suikoden was the characters designs. You could tell which part of the world they belong to, or which nation and it felt like they all belong to the same world just different nations. That’s not really the case in Eiyuden. Sure, Seign’s crew you can tell are part of Galdean Empire with their uniforms but not much else. The characters are so colorful! Which makes them memorable but also … most look like they came out from different worlds (or animes!) I love when a character is a bit of an oddball and they stand out, but when everyone stands out… the more “normal” looking ones begin to stand out xD;; I start to find myself looking for the more normal looking ones to include into my party.

And I guess I have to talk about the localization… Which is a hot topic apparently and I’m really tired of reading about it. I don’t think it is as bad as people make it out to be. I’m sorry. I really don’t think it’s a reason to lash out and attack people over it. Do I like it? I find it okay, but like the characters and their cartoony quirks, I find the localization absolutely the same way – It is too cartoony and quirky. Does it bother me? No. Do I like it? Not really. I don’t enjoy the direct dry JP translations but I wish there was some middle ground. The game has very light tone and the cartoony localization fits which to me again boils down to – I wish the game had more serious tone. Not a grim dark tone but when the stakes are none, it’s a little hard to feel motivated about rising an army and opposing the big bad who is doing something bad somewhere at the other end of the world. Maybe the tone will shift a bit as I get pass the mid point but it’s veen 30+ hours and I miss when every victory felt like impossible odds were overcome like what was the case with previous Suikoden games.

Okaaay, I did list a lot of bads didn’t I? I am enjoying the game, mind you! But not in a way that I can’t wait to pick the switch and continue. I’m also waiting a bit to see if they patch the cooking mini game. My favorite game and it’s glitched T^T!!! I feel so sad… So I’ll wait a bit and maybe run around looking for more peoplt to recruit in the mean time. I’m enjoying the combat, I’m enjoying the music. There are some balancing issues and the limited inventory is driving me nuts …but I also know it was Murayama’s choice and he insisted on it. I just hope they don’t keep the system in the sequel ;u;

I listed so many bad things and not nearly enough good ones. After so many years of my favorite franchise being dead and buried by Konami it is refreshing to see Eiyuden bring together the Suikoden experience. If this is the first stepping stone to a new franchise which carries the Suikoden flame, then I will very very gladly continue to support and look forward to learn more of this new world. First games are always like a test ground anyway and the devs haven’t made anything for a while, it makes sense they are a bit rusty! So with that said… time to hit post and return to playing! :’D Maybe I will have something excited to share at the end!

Granheld’s Yorn – Session 3

Granheld’s Yorn – Session 3 published on

And so session 3 rolled!

Good news is, Recifer got to live another day!!
The party had 2 more left quests to do – one being lowbie quest and the other escorting a couple to a much bigger city! Not to be one to leave quests undone we picked the lowbie quest. If you ask me we should’ve picked that first instead of the bandits but… on the bright side we were all leveled up and breezed through it!!

We had to gather herbs and gemstones and encountered some peski lalkas again. These ones were air based so they very easily popped. Then again, the mud lalka would need one hit too so hmm.. hard to say if they were easier to dispatch or about equal.

Recifer got new spell since he leveled up and… only useful one was debuff spell that err, bloats the target. Yeah, you can guess the side glances I did reading it lol I will try to discard any and all implication of what that skill can remind of so uhh, it’s just giving the target balloon status and making them hard to move. So hurrah, got one debuff that I’m yet to use! Probably more useful on an actual boss than random little trash mobs! Speaking of….

We got so many fights! About 3 groups of Kobolds on the escort mission! For once my insight was high enough and I spotted the enemy and we got nice ambush turn!! :> Other than that, Recifer has been rolling between 2 and 20 during combat. It’s either epic push or nothing at all! While using the push to attack from range is lacking bonuses it feels more IC than smacking the enemy with the staff …. so I rather roll with that :D;; He is still kinda squishy and not very useful but he is still dear to me.

The rest of the party seems to be doing their thing but maybe they will open up in time. I know I’m still getting used to playing a more quiet and shy character compared to how exuberant and talkative Marwind or Eloise both are lol

In any case, looking forward to what we get to find in the city!! More story? I’m hungry for some plot! I know my DM always picks such pretty maps, I’m curious to see the new locations. We did also level up again from all the encounters so hmm… I don’t think I get a spell this time around – only some stat increase. Which is a good thing cause Reci is made of wet paper lol

Until next time!

Sweet Potato Quiche!

Sweet Potato Quiche! published on

Good Morning, happy Monday!

The weekend was so nice and relaxing. A little sunny on saturday then a little rainy on sunday. The air was so fresh and nice after rain. I got to hear some thunders and with that I hope winter is finally over for good. It is getting warmer faster and faster over the past few years. At this point, one just has to accept that weather has changed all over the world.

I got to try some new recipies! I made quiche with sweet potato which wasn’t very keto friendly …but it was delicious! I apparently misjudged how much sweet potato I’d need and ended up with enough for two portions. I ended up eating quiche for two days! I’ve been sticking to less coffee over the past week and having protein smoothies in the morning instead. It has been really nice so far! This will be my second week! Let’s see how it goes! I try to take better care of my body but I guess I’m reaching a point where I have to accept I can’t be as agile and flexible as I was 10 years ago :D;;; I wish I could go back in time and tell myself all about nutrition, eating healthy and being gentle with myself. But if I don’t do this now, ten years from now I will probably be thinking the same, so I best take care of myself now and be gentle on the way!

Deppressive aging woes asside, I did manage to record an art video! I haven’t done those in a while. I’m yet to edit and voice it so probably somewhere later in the week! I also got to sketch chapter 12 of “The Snake, the Firebrand and The King of All” (…such a mouthful title, Denny what were you thinking!?) and I almost moved it completely on this site. I will still post it on tumblr but it will be nice to have it’s own space here!

My hands still feel a bit rusty from primary playing Unicorn Overlord and not much drawing over the past couple of weeks, but I will come back to me for sure 😀 If anything I feel like I ate so well and sponged so much from this game. An unexpected gourmet course for my soul!

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