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Granheld’s Yorn – Session 6

Granheld’s Yorn – Session 6 published on

Last weekend we got a session! And Recifer got to do a lot of things !!! 😀

We arrived at a big dungeon last time. It was a closed place so some characters had disadvantage on their rolles due to the tight space. It was a cave surrounded by many huge roots and full of many angry drakes! We had to investigate and find out what was making the drakes so hostile.

As we made our way, it was combat after combat and Recifer has …like mostly gimmicky spell – mortifying bloat being one of them. He basically inflates the enemy and debuffs their status by making them big round ball. It… sounds kinda gross but it was the only useful spell he could learn at that level :”) …..

So what am I doing through the dungeon? You get balloon status and you get balloon status – everyone gets balloon status! Dice in on my side and so far Reci manages to land all debuffs and everyone after him finishes off the debuffed enemies without much issue!

We did find a strange device on the way – it was something that Pallicate could figure out and quickly called it bad… as in made by people she knows and they are some bad folks. Did they irritate the drakes? What did they have to do with all that?

Eventually we bagan to feel a strange curse in the air. Thankfully Recifer’s mage breaker quirk activated and he wasn’t affected but everyone else got mild debuff. We proceeded to locate the source of the curse and we arrived at a giant pit where we found… More drakes! And the BOSS drake!

Now… I’m not sure if the DM considered it when she was picking the maps but… I had balloon spell and a push spell and the boss was on the edge of a giant pit. I got buffed two act twice and … you can guess what I did (and the dice blessed me) – The boss got balloon’d and pushed over the edge! Next turn Recifer dispelled the status and the boss vanished into the pit xD;;; I was cackling like a mad woman!! I’m so glad the dice was on my side and the DM allowed my shenanigans to happen. We had more drakes on us so we didn’t end the fight unscatted!

Once we were done, we found the place was guarded by a neitherdragon! (if I spell that right) and they were less than thrilled to see us lol. We tried to talk but all we got was “You don’t belong here! These lands are mine!” and then we had to book and run cause big dragon snake started moving and shaking the huge roots and everything started crumbling!

We managed to successfully escape and for whatever reason Reci rolled critical successes twice while running, I guess suddenly he got really good at that xD;;
All and all the whole session he got to shine and do a lot of things for which I’m glad!!
Next time, we return to the Ravenfall and report the dragon findings!

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