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Granheld’s Yorn – Session 4

Granheld’s Yorn – Session 4 published on

Another session and Recifer got to live another day! :’D I missed to write the session and now details pale in my head…whoops!

The part was gathered over the campfire for the night. We had some chill chats and Recifer suggested staying as a watch along with Pel (our robot battle princess!) since he is supposedly good at perception things given how he is built so far – of course the dice suggested otherwise xD;;

They did spot a small fay which made Reci think back of his home. It was really cute interaction. The little fay said Recifer smells of home… -clutches heart- It also wanted to see his medallion which Reci knew better not to allow tricky fay near important artifacts xD;; I don’t know if he chose right not to let the fay touch it but he was a little wary. The fay transformed the place into a more fae friendly looks!

Next night watch interaction was finding a dog! Okay now the party is more complete cause we got a dog! Recifer wasn’t used to …well…normal pets so he was a little wary of the dog who just wanted to pounce and lick his face xD It was really adorable.

The rest of the evening was uneventful and the party proceeded to the main city! Recifer was fascinated by cats and kept trying to befriend some. Eventually concluded Taleel (our human party member) must be a cat with how anti social he has been. Maybe offer food and he will become friendlier? All around chill session, cute encounters and we arrived in the big city where more quests and opportunities will come!!

Until next time~

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