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Talking about whatever I’m playing right now, one game at a time!

Time to Dawn the Trail!

Time to Dawn the Trail! published on

As someone who will immediately tell you about The Award Winning Critically Acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV with free trial up to Stormblood… it was a bit surprising that I didn’t jump into Dawntrail right away ! :D;;; And that was due to …well summer was hot and my laptop gets hot. I don’t like when the two are combined. I was also rather busy just as DT came out so… I waited for the weather to cool off and as September rolled… it was time to slowly chip away at the new expansion!
No Spoilers (so far!)

I’m barely pass the first batch of quests, I reached the level 91 quest batch last night. It is going to take me a while. I wasn’t super excited about Dawntrail but I waited to get hungry for FF14 in general before leaping back in. Endwalker really and I mean REALLY sapped my soul (in a good way but ow, my emotions!) I wanted to go into DT with very open mind and zero expectations.

And my first experience in DT was … having a huge load of names thrown at me right off the bat. xD;;; It just made me blink and nod through the first hour or so. I get it though – it is a whole new world and a whole different place. But with other locations we had the names gradually being introduced and here it was bombardment of really difficult names, at least to me. It’s a small complain but… I won’t remember a thing till probably near the end I imagine.

So we have like Papa Ja Ja, Bad Ja Ja and some Ja … and that’s all the names I could remember xD;; Locations and city names? It’s going to take a long while xD;; Wuk Lamat of course being such a bean is joy to experience. I do appreciate that we’re not really swaying anything with our presence, so far anyway but rather help her on her journey. I had concerns about our WoL’s involvement in completely different country’s political climate… but so far… not bad? :D;;; It is a game and I super duper try to be open about the experience!

I don’t currently have any strong feelings and I find myself going back to finish side quests in other regions while leveling a DPS on the side, going into DT as a healer feels really weird, especially with how my WoL is dressed xD;;
I’m very very early in the game to feel anything and I’m aware it’s new place and like starting anew rather than the emotional whirlwind that was Shadowbringers + Endwalker wombo combo so … I hope I get new attachment to my potato sized Azem :> He’s been through a lot! Even though I have some alts I wish to play as, I don’t think I can juggle more than 1 character anymore… ‘_’;;;; so I’ll see what I can do… maybe I too will become a fantasia addict.
Well, more to come as I play along! I will give spoiler warning later on just in case :>

Started Fields of Mistria!

Started Fields of Mistria! published on

Not nearly enough people talk about how charming this game is!
It’s no secret I’m sucker for cozy farming sim games. I grew up with the olde “Harvest Moon Back to Nature” for PSX and been a fan since. Nowdays since Stardew’s success we’ve got an avalanch of farming games. I think Animal Crossing NH also contributed to that. And funny enough I actually got a little fed up myself lol

Last farming game I played was Sun Haven which is very whimsy and has it’s own charm… along with a lot of issue that I hope are being worked on xD;; The game made me draw a lot primary because the love interests weren’t human and the whole game was fantasy farming and that was new and amazing.

“Fields of Mistria” however is like whole different tier of amazing. The 90s anime art style is so exceptionally charming and the pixel art reminds me of the GBA Fire Emblem style which I am absolute sucker for. At first glance the game looks kinda plain but it’s so very animated!! Everything looks very lively. Characters have so many schedules and dialogues, I’m floored at the amount of detail.

One of my fave thing has to be the DnD group during the Friday Inn Nights. xD If those ain’t THE experience, idk what is. I love them.

I hope the DnD talks continue as I just started Fall! Which is my fave season in these kinda games :’D

As for my farmer, I made a cute little hardworker named Fyndel! She is on the tomboy side, doesn’t shy from getting dirty in order to get the job done! Secretly crushing on Balor but mister tall, dark and mysterious likely won’t bother with lil miss muddy shoes right there.. right? u_u;; or so she thinks!

I’m super looking forward to the new content while I work on maxing what is available now.
The game costs like 13usd? or something and it’s in Early Access but that’s got to be the most polished EA game I’ve seen !! Well worth it’s money and some! :>

Finished Eiyuden Chronicles!

Finished Eiyuden Chronicles! published on

Finished a while ago…but just now sit down to write down my thoughts which didnt’t change as much xD;;

Hmm where do I even start… I really really wanted to love this game. Given how it was funded and who worked behind it and if you didn’t know by now (by some wild chance) I am huge and I mean huge Suikoden fan. Everything I did write in my first 30 hours of gameplay remained for better or worse :D;;;

I’ll focus on the good things though!
At the end of the game? I felt fulfulled and happy and the final song made me feel teary though I think it was more of the fact Yoshitaka Murayama passed away before he could see the game came out and the fact this game was funded by all of us fans who believed in his vision. I take this was his swan song and the music combined with everyone helping the heroes make it out of the crumbling castle (of course!) even though it was something we’ve seen in previous Suikodens, it just plucked all my heart strings.

Favorite character has to be Markus and I’m so happy we’re getting DLC about him cause that was easily the best part! I love our undead king and his special dialogue was absolutely precious and just made me gush for good long hour over the fact we finally have a friendly undead lich king in a jRPG!! Francesca is close second favorite. Come on she was hilarious with all her sudden ourbursts plus she is a healer who can go berserk after turn 5? 4? XD She never left my main party. And third place goes for Falward ! Grumpy doctor who just gets frustrated at us getting beaten up XD Not only he looked so dang cute but also grumpy! (apparently he is like 14!? …how did he become a doctor at 14 and was already on the battlefield…which scarred him? I’m a little baffled at that age lol
Okay speaking of Falward I have to bring up Pohl whom just made me clasp hands like – “You are doing great, baby!” whenever I saw him on the screen! The reason why I bring him up is (not only because I absolutely adore Pohl both due to his character and because of the Suiko2 reference) they share same VA!! That’s so amazing! Voice actors are too powerful.

Speaking of VA all the VA were truly really, really good! I really enjoyed everyone! I think everyone did such stellar job. It was a joy to listen to everyone and their little custom/scenario specific lines. And don’t get me started on the theater plays that – wait, wait, wait… I should’ve brought up Ymir as another favorite! Okay, the game did have a lot of favorites xD; He is hilarious as storyteller and his grumpy exterior and sarcasm gave me strong Emet-Selch vibes. I wonder if he was an inspiration? Like, seriously… I almost felt like uncle Emet there is gaining white hairs by the second by my sheer presence in his life lol

Well… With all the good things pointed out, like truly I enjoyed some characters and some others…not so much. Those that didn’t vibe with me, I just didn’t use and sticked to my faves 😀 I had no issues with the final boss and the final duels whough I did get sweaty on some. The duels were truly an eyecandy and just the peak of the gameplay I think. Beyond that… same as what I stated earlier. I wish the game was more serious and the stakes felt higher. It was a feels good game but very light and it was running rather poorly on the switch. I heard they’ve patched it a lot since I’ve finished it but I haven’t really tested it yet.

I played while the game was deemed unplayable and still had a ton of fun. 😀
Do I recommend it? Only after severe updates on the switch otherwise – pick it for PC
I still think Suikoden 1+2 together are vastly more superior but we’re yet to see those remasters. I heard they are still worked on and if it’s same director was Suikoden 5 then they are in the best possible hands!

I look forward to Eiyuden’s DLC and what will be next in the frenchise. At the end of the day it’s just having more cake and we love cake! I want to see the franchise pick up and grow!

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