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Granheld’s Yorn – Session 5

Granheld’s Yorn – Session 5 published on

Session 5! Recifer gets to live for another day! That seems to be my intro with these posts xD;
The party arrived at the main city hub last session so we picked from there. They went to speak with the Dragon Scions… was it dragon scions… Gosh I need to check my actual notes. They weren’t actual dragons though, much to our dismay xD;

Taleel had some information he had to give them which he didn’t share with anyone. I’m guessing his character was not very trusting but from OOC point of view, it felt kinda gate-keepy. These kinda games are group play but also not something I’d get too salty about but it did rub me the wrong way. We did get a request to check on some drakes …speaking of which, they leaped in to attack us out of the blue! Now that was rude! Thankfully we dispatched them quickly and had pretty good rolls! Hopefully that doesn’t mean our rolls will be terrible next time lol It did hint however that something is going on there with them. Plot be brewing!

Recifer asked for library permit/anything that could allow him to stuff his nose into the books, in exchange for helping with the drake issue. Since as a tenebre he is a bit sus looking, I doubt anyone will let him just go in any kinda magical archives or whatever. He agreed to investigate the drake issue if he is granted a permit so that’s good enough for him xD; Why is he so interested in magic? I don’t know yet, beyond that he is a book worm type of a character.

We arrived at the drake’s den/cave and that was to be our first exploration adventure fight…thing! 😀 It looks and sounds like it will be tons of fun but also sounds like it will be a long experience! Next sess will be on the 11th and boy… hopefully I won’t be too tired for it. Super looking forward to it tho cause the DM picks such good maps and I’m all about dem visuals!

Granheld’s Yorn – Session 4

Granheld’s Yorn – Session 4 published on

Another session and Recifer got to live another day! :’D I missed to write the session and now details pale in my head…whoops!

The part was gathered over the campfire for the night. We had some chill chats and Recifer suggested staying as a watch along with Pel (our robot battle princess!) since he is supposedly good at perception things given how he is built so far – of course the dice suggested otherwise xD;;

They did spot a small fay which made Reci think back of his home. It was really cute interaction. The little fay said Recifer smells of home… -clutches heart- It also wanted to see his medallion which Reci knew better not to allow tricky fay near important artifacts xD;; I don’t know if he chose right not to let the fay touch it but he was a little wary. The fay transformed the place into a more fae friendly looks!

Next night watch interaction was finding a dog! Okay now the party is more complete cause we got a dog! Recifer wasn’t used to …well…normal pets so he was a little wary of the dog who just wanted to pounce and lick his face xD It was really adorable.

The rest of the evening was uneventful and the party proceeded to the main city! Recifer was fascinated by cats and kept trying to befriend some. Eventually concluded Taleel (our human party member) must be a cat with how anti social he has been. Maybe offer food and he will become friendlier? All around chill session, cute encounters and we arrived in the big city where more quests and opportunities will come!!

Until next time~

Finished Eiyuden Chronicles!

Finished Eiyuden Chronicles! published on

Finished a while ago…but just now sit down to write down my thoughts which didnt’t change as much xD;;

Hmm where do I even start… I really really wanted to love this game. Given how it was funded and who worked behind it and if you didn’t know by now (by some wild chance) I am huge and I mean huge Suikoden fan. Everything I did write in my first 30 hours of gameplay remained for better or worse :D;;;

I’ll focus on the good things though!
At the end of the game? I felt fulfulled and happy and the final song made me feel teary though I think it was more of the fact Yoshitaka Murayama passed away before he could see the game came out and the fact this game was funded by all of us fans who believed in his vision. I take this was his swan song and the music combined with everyone helping the heroes make it out of the crumbling castle (of course!) even though it was something we’ve seen in previous Suikodens, it just plucked all my heart strings.

Favorite character has to be Markus and I’m so happy we’re getting DLC about him cause that was easily the best part! I love our undead king and his special dialogue was absolutely precious and just made me gush for good long hour over the fact we finally have a friendly undead lich king in a jRPG!! Francesca is close second favorite. Come on she was hilarious with all her sudden ourbursts plus she is a healer who can go berserk after turn 5? 4? XD She never left my main party. And third place goes for Falward ! Grumpy doctor who just gets frustrated at us getting beaten up XD Not only he looked so dang cute but also grumpy! (apparently he is like 14!? …how did he become a doctor at 14 and was already on the battlefield…which scarred him? I’m a little baffled at that age lol
Okay speaking of Falward I have to bring up Pohl whom just made me clasp hands like – “You are doing great, baby!” whenever I saw him on the screen! The reason why I bring him up is (not only because I absolutely adore Pohl both due to his character and because of the Suiko2 reference) they share same VA!! That’s so amazing! Voice actors are too powerful.

Speaking of VA all the VA were truly really, really good! I really enjoyed everyone! I think everyone did such stellar job. It was a joy to listen to everyone and their little custom/scenario specific lines. And don’t get me started on the theater plays that – wait, wait, wait… I should’ve brought up Ymir as another favorite! Okay, the game did have a lot of favorites xD; He is hilarious as storyteller and his grumpy exterior and sarcasm gave me strong Emet-Selch vibes. I wonder if he was an inspiration? Like, seriously… I almost felt like uncle Emet there is gaining white hairs by the second by my sheer presence in his life lol

Well… With all the good things pointed out, like truly I enjoyed some characters and some others…not so much. Those that didn’t vibe with me, I just didn’t use and sticked to my faves 😀 I had no issues with the final boss and the final duels whough I did get sweaty on some. The duels were truly an eyecandy and just the peak of the gameplay I think. Beyond that… same as what I stated earlier. I wish the game was more serious and the stakes felt higher. It was a feels good game but very light and it was running rather poorly on the switch. I heard they’ve patched it a lot since I’ve finished it but I haven’t really tested it yet.

I played while the game was deemed unplayable and still had a ton of fun. 😀
Do I recommend it? Only after severe updates on the switch otherwise – pick it for PC
I still think Suikoden 1+2 together are vastly more superior but we’re yet to see those remasters. I heard they are still worked on and if it’s same director was Suikoden 5 then they are in the best possible hands!

I look forward to Eiyuden’s DLC and what will be next in the frenchise. At the end of the day it’s just having more cake and we love cake! I want to see the franchise pick up and grow!

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