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Granheld’s Yorn – Session 3

Granheld’s Yorn – Session 3 published on

And so session 3 rolled!

Good news is, Recifer got to live another day!!
The party had 2 more left quests to do – one being lowbie quest and the other escorting a couple to a much bigger city! Not to be one to leave quests undone we picked the lowbie quest. If you ask me we should’ve picked that first instead of the bandits but… on the bright side we were all leveled up and breezed through it!!

We had to gather herbs and gemstones and encountered some peski lalkas again. These ones were air based so they very easily popped. Then again, the mud lalka would need one hit too so hmm.. hard to say if they were easier to dispatch or about equal.

Recifer got new spell since he leveled up and… only useful one was debuff spell that err, bloats the target. Yeah, you can guess the side glances I did reading it lol I will try to discard any and all implication of what that skill can remind of so uhh, it’s just giving the target balloon status and making them hard to move. So hurrah, got one debuff that I’m yet to use! Probably more useful on an actual boss than random little trash mobs! Speaking of….

We got so many fights! About 3 groups of Kobolds on the escort mission! For once my insight was high enough and I spotted the enemy and we got nice ambush turn!! :> Other than that, Recifer has been rolling between 2 and 20 during combat. It’s either epic push or nothing at all! While using the push to attack from range is lacking bonuses it feels more IC than smacking the enemy with the staff …. so I rather roll with that :D;; He is still kinda squishy and not very useful but he is still dear to me.

The rest of the party seems to be doing their thing but maybe they will open up in time. I know I’m still getting used to playing a more quiet and shy character compared to how exuberant and talkative Marwind or Eloise both are lol

In any case, looking forward to what we get to find in the city!! More story? I’m hungry for some plot! I know my DM always picks such pretty maps, I’m curious to see the new locations. We did also level up again from all the encounters so hmm… I don’t think I get a spell this time around – only some stat increase. Which is a good thing cause Reci is made of wet paper lol

Until next time!

Sweet Potato Quiche!

Sweet Potato Quiche! published on

Good Morning, happy Monday!

The weekend was so nice and relaxing. A little sunny on saturday then a little rainy on sunday. The air was so fresh and nice after rain. I got to hear some thunders and with that I hope winter is finally over for good. It is getting warmer faster and faster over the past few years. At this point, one just has to accept that weather has changed all over the world.

I got to try some new recipies! I made quiche with sweet potato which wasn’t very keto friendly …but it was delicious! I apparently misjudged how much sweet potato I’d need and ended up with enough for two portions. I ended up eating quiche for two days! I’ve been sticking to less coffee over the past week and having protein smoothies in the morning instead. It has been really nice so far! This will be my second week! Let’s see how it goes! I try to take better care of my body but I guess I’m reaching a point where I have to accept I can’t be as agile and flexible as I was 10 years ago :D;;; I wish I could go back in time and tell myself all about nutrition, eating healthy and being gentle with myself. But if I don’t do this now, ten years from now I will probably be thinking the same, so I best take care of myself now and be gentle on the way!

Deppressive aging woes asside, I did manage to record an art video! I haven’t done those in a while. I’m yet to edit and voice it so probably somewhere later in the week! I also got to sketch chapter 12 of “The Snake, the Firebrand and The King of All” (…such a mouthful title, Denny what were you thinking!?) and I almost moved it completely on this site. I will still post it on tumblr but it will be nice to have it’s own space here!

My hands still feel a bit rusty from primary playing Unicorn Overlord and not much drawing over the past couple of weeks, but I will come back to me for sure 😀 If anything I feel like I ate so well and sponged so much from this game. An unexpected gourmet course for my soul!

Finished Unicorn Overlord!

Finished Unicorn Overlord! published on

What an immensely fun game that was!
I didn’t honestly expect to enjoy it as much as I did. Safe to sage the demo won me and I preordered it immediately. There is still time until Eiyuden’s release so I figured I should be able to finish Unicorn Overlord before it comes out, and I did!! Which is also a bit rare. Lately I’ve been finding myself striggling to finish games or losing my interest for one reason or another – I’m still yet to finish Octopath Traveler 2 …

Anyway, onto Unicorn Overlord!! Spoilers ahead …obviously!

Favorite zone has to be Drakenhold. I absolutely loved all the characters there, the music, the ruins and I think I spent most time there. Gilbert super grew on me. Short king is trying his best and I was so happy he joined. I thought Virginia had great dynamics with …every character really and the only reason I didn’t slap the maiden ring on her was sheer awkwardness because at the end, she is Alain’s cousin. I know it’s fiction and a game but it was still kinda awkward to me. Still, I very much appreciate her and she stayed in Alain’s unit till the end! “Alain, get my sword.”

Another fave there’s got to be Aramis. I’m super fan of duel sword wielding classes and I made him a whole unit of swordies who slice n dice everything around. I love his “A lack of skill” victory line. Sir, please… do you have to flex so? His rapports with Gilbert were so wholesome and I’m so soft for sibling dynamics…. Speaking of…

I love Travis and Berengaria so much! Argh, my whole heart aches for them in best possible way, I love the siblings so much!! Seeing their issue resolved in Drakenhold was just -chef kiss-
Ren has amazing lines, I love her as a unit and Travis is the most wholesome little dodgy bookworm and even when my rapports were maxed I just kept going to drop books at his station. Easily top choice for the ring. His last rapport with Ren got me teary for completely personal reasons. As someone who had lost dear relatives, I too had the crushing dreams of “they are here with me again!” only to wake up to the cold reality that, no they are not. Seeing these little pixel people get a happy resolve was very cathartic for me.

Okay and a moment to appreciate Cornia folks as well because it is your starting area after all! It is close to Drakenhold in terms of how much I enjoyed it and I do very much loved how the final fight was RIGHT THERE but you are too puny to rush it.

Josef… had one of the best rapports. At first I only saw him as the guide/tutorial guy and honestly thought he’d probably die at some point because that’s what happen with these over leveled characters but not Josef. His whole dynamic with Alain was just so satisfying. Him seeing him like a son and Alain seeing him as a father figure. Gosh, my heart aches! Very much a solid ring bearer choice for some heart warming scenes. I only used Josef until my units got to level 20ish and it felt like his job was done now and he could take a break.

Speaking of … so Clive/Adel/Renault/Monica or my army of Chivalry Chads as I call them. I used them together from the start to the end. I only slapped Short King Gilbert there to make them go extra fast and they were my Death Express unit that I often tried not to use because they were just rushing everything!!

I hope I’m not in the minority who thought Melisandre was hilarious. I appreciate when a lady knows what she wants and goes out to get it. The rapports I saw of her were also fairly wholesome too! Sadly, I didn’t put her in Alain’s unit and she had to flex skills next to Aramis and Leah …but I do intend to make her queen on another file clear!

Okay we need to talk about Auch. No escaping it, he was the character I liked most from the demo and the one who got to carry the maiden ring to the final fight. I honestly didn’t expect momma boy to be an absolute power house who wrecked the colliseum like nobody’s business! His rapports are hilarious, I greatly enjoyed his character being absolute prick and at the same time so clingy. Sir, what kinda trauma did you go through!? I’m absolute softy and pampered Auch most in my army. He had a unit on his own for the sweet, sweet fire magic support.

And of course I need to mention Gammel and Mandarin!
The two who most people execute but I’ve played enough Suikoden to know you ain’t executing no one in these kinda games! I loved their development and their final rapport was hilarious. I enjoyed that both of them do get very much stink eye from the other characters yet they grow and do better. I am a softy and an idealist. The world is cruel and people suck. Seeing this kinda wholesome change of heart and growth in fiction makes me smile. Their epilogue? And the letter Gammel got? -chef’s kiss-
One of my favorite duo for sure.

I feel like I will talk forever just about the characters! And yet there were so many things I enjoyed in this game. I will probably make another post just ramble about all the other things.

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